Hello, I am Dante. I was born on the 5th of June 1962 and, for 32 years, I am the husband of an amazing woman, who inspires me every day. Together we have a son, Joshua, an ambitious young man of whom I am very proud. I was raised and educated in a truly international family, with Austrian, Turkish, British, Jewish and Romanian ancestors, and this has taught me to see people as citizens of the world, without prejudice, stereotypes or labels.
Poșta Română is an unpolished diamond and the people working here are amazing. They are determined to transform this institution into a successful commercial operation, despite this mission’s difficulty. In spite of the tough to manage financial and management burden, I have tried, together with the other Members of the Board, to place Poșta Română on the right path, one that will make Romanians proud. It is, after all, their company.
How often does someone get to work in the centre of Government and thus contribute to the improvement of people’s lives and that of the entire nation? Not very often. This is what drove me to accept the pro bono job of adviser to the Prime-Minister. When I said yes, I didn’t know this will turn out to be the greatest challenge of my adult life.
Seldom have I met a team of employees so motivated as the people from TAROM, who fight every day to improve their company’s image and services. I am happy that, even for a little while, I was able to work along side with them in achieving this goal. I have to admit that their dedication has convinced me to get more involved and has motivated me all this time.
“Make-A-Wish România” Foundation
Founder and President of the Board
The mission of Make-A-Wish România Foundation is to fulfil wishes for children suffering from life threatening medical conditions and thus bring hope, strength and joy to enrich human experience. With the help of our generous friends, we managed to fulfil the dreams of over 150 children.
The Ronald S. Lauder School, Bucharest
Member of the Administration Board
Education is the universal solution to all our problems and this is the reason why I will always be involved in any activity concerning education
Lauder School offers the best possible education for children in Romania.
The Romanian-Finnish School, Bucharest
Member of the Supervisory Board
I was delighted to become a member of the Supervisory Board, at the invitation of the school’s founder Dr. Ioan Ceuța, an exceptional person. In all bi-annual PISA studies done all over the world on the quality of educational systems of most nations around the globe, Finland is regularly top 5 and very often no.1. Therefore, it is only logical to regard Finland as an example of good practices and a model of progressive educational system.
Member of the Advisory Board
The Mission of OvidiuRo: every poor child should benefit from an early quality education and thus become an active member of the Romanian society.
I came to Romania at the head of another family enterprise, AUTOITALIA SRL, a general importer of the brands FIAT, ALFA ROMEO, LANCIA, MASERATI. The Romanian company had one of the largest market shares in relation to FIAT’s worldwide market shares, with a 265 million Euros a year in turnover. In 2011, we sold the company in order to reorient ourselves towards other activities.
Our dream is to inspire Romanians to further build this country, in order for Romania to reach its true potential. Our goal is to prove, through our own example, that only with involvement, responsibility and compassion, evolution and change for the better are possible. Therefore, we wish to offer solutions based on civic involvement and compassion towards our fellows, through the social projects we are developing. We started on this road with the belief that our projects will inspire other similar actions and will offer hope in a brighter future for the next generations.
RE:START projects that encourage innovation and cooperation in social entrepreneurship. The most important profit of our initiatives is the social impact, the change for the better that they bring.
National projects to sustain endangered groups of society involving local communities. Dignity and equal opportunities define us as humans and solidarity fulfills us as citizens.
Education and support programs to increase the civic and community participation. Only if it is committed, Romania may reach its potential and pass on its values.
In January 2015, at the recommendation of His Excellency, Mr. Diego Brasioli, the Ambassador of Italy in Bucharest, the President of Italy awarded me the order “Knight of the Republic of Italy”.
In August 2016, I had the honor to receive from the President of Austria the order “Golden Cross” for services brought to the Republic.
Viața noastră începe să se sfârșească în ziua în care devenim tăcuți în privința lucrurilor care contează cu adevărat. – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Întâi te vor ignora. Apoi vor râde de tine. Apoi vor lupta împotriva ta. Iar apoi vei câștiga. – Mahatma Gandhi
Serviciul în beneficiul celorlalți este chiria pe care o plătim pentru locul nostru aici pe pământ. – Muhammad Ali
Cred că singura religie adevărată este fundamentată pe a avea o inimă generoasă. – Dalai Lama
Fii milos cu oamenii nemiloși. Ei sunt cei care au nevoie cel mai mult de acest lucru. – Ashleigh Brilliant
Fii realist: dorește-ți mereu imposibilul. – Paulo Coelho
Uită de trecut, ține minte doar lecția. – Mandy Hale
Nu mai alerg după oameni. Dacă își doresc să petreacă timp cu mine, o vor face. Dacă nu, sunt mulțumit cu propria mea companie. – Barry M. Sherbal
Singura mare problemă în comunicare este că iluzia că a avut loc. – George Bernard Shaw
Progresul este imposibil fără schimbare iar cei care nu-și pot schimba mentalitatea nu pot schimba nimic. –
George Bernard Shaw
Mințile luminate discută idei, mințile mediocre discută evenimente, iar mințile mici discută oamenii. – Socrates
Nu lăsa susccesul să ți se urce la cap, nu lăsa eșecul să-ți ajungă în inimă. – Ziad K. Abdelnour
Cei mai mulți nu ascultă cu intenția de a înțelege ci cu intenția de a răspunde. – Stephen R. Covey